Josh Wolstenholme

Research Associate in Geoscience

Loughborough University

Previous School: Hurworth

Subjects studied at QE: Geology, Geography & Chemistry

After completing his studies at QE, Josh embarked on an exciting academic journey, earning a BSc in Geological Sciences and an MSc (by research) in Physical Geography from the University of Leeds. His passion for the natural world then led him to the University of Hull, where he achieved a PhD in Physical Geography and began his first postdoctoral research position. Building on this momentum, Josh continued his postdoctoral work at Loughborough University, further expanding his expertise and driving his pursuit of ground-breaking research.

Josh said: “My time at QE laid a strong foundation for my academic journey, offering me the invaluable experience of leading an independent research project tailored to my passions. I was also fortunate to learn from a number of inspiring teachers who guided fieldwork across the UK and Europe, sparking my interest in exploration and discovery.”

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